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Frequently Asked Questions

About DESC

Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) protects Government Information, telecommunication networks, and Information Systems in Dubai. DESC also sets the Government Information Security policy of Dubai and works with government entities to increase cybersecurity awareness, and to set a strategic plan to manage any risks or threats on Government Information to create a safer cyberspace for the society.

Dubai Cyber Security Strategy was launched in May 2017 with the aim of establishing Dubai as a global leader in innovation, safety and security. The Dubai Cyber Security Strategy is available on the DESC website under Dubai Cyber Security Strategy found here.

You can find the latest news on the DESC website under Media Hub in the section for News found here.

Public: The general public can reach DESC to obtain general awareness and guidelines on safe practices in cyberspace. However, if you encounter any of the below problems please reach out to eCrime department in Dubai Police found here.

  • Scams
  • Hacking of accounts
  • Identity fraud
  • Etc.
  • Government: Standards, policies and best practice protocols can be found here.
    Private: Support on certifications and standard practices can be found here.


DESC offers a range of positions for individuals with a passion for cybersecurity. You can submit your details and resume under the Internships & Careers page found here.

You can inquire by emailing us through the job application section found here.

Public Outreach

You can find awareness materials under the Guidance & Awareness section of the website found here.

You can print and distribute resources provided under the Guidance & Awareness section for personal or non-commercial use only. This can be done without modifying the resources and retaining all logos and copyright notices. Please reach out the media team if you have any additional inquiries or need further branded materials, contact details can been found here.

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