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DESC provides a framework for managing cyber risks and supporting government entities.

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Dubai Electronic Security Center is proud to jointly collaborate with many key government entities, in order to strengthen Dubai’s position as a leader in innovation, safety, and security. DESC provides certifications across various fields of cyber security, the following pages describe these certificates and the areas they cover.


Critical Information Infrastructure (CII)

A part of the successful implementation of Dubai’s Cyber Security Strategy, is the protection of organizations and businesses, who are the essential owners of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). DESC has started an initiative to identify and protect these CII organizations. Through identification of these organizations, DESC can ensure that they all have proper business continuity and disaster recovery systems in place. Safeguarding their cybersecurity risks and mitigating possible threats within their business sectors, avoiding potential drastic impacts on the UAE’s society, economy and overall safety.



DESC has developed and introduced a new batch of trade license activities for companies offering cybersecurity related services to other organizations, in collaboration with the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED).


Public Key Infrastructure

Our Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) documentation is provided here, with updated legal documents, procedures and explanations for our web trust and policies. This site is updated continuously in accordance with international standards and guidelines.​

Standards & Policies

Dubai Electronic Security Center works closely with researchers, government, and the private sectors organizations locally and internationally, to provide a rich set of standards to make cyber security accessible and achievable. To safeguard cyberspace, Dubai Electronic Security Center has established policies and guidelines for online activity. This is where you will find best practices for development, and usage along with a collection of system and procedural specific suggestion in which to follow. They are not requirements but are strongly recommended for all online activity, as a way of promoting safe practices.​
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